Iris Scialom
| Франция
Парижская Высшая национальная консерватория музыки и танца
Професор | Стефани-Мари Деган
Концертмейстер | Jonė Punytė-Svigarienė
Iris Scialom is the winner of Monte-Carlo Violin Masters—Prince Rainier III Competition 2023, scholarship recipient of the Fondation Banque Populaire, the Talent ADAMI 2024, and the Foundation Gautier Capuçon, the Music Academy of Villecroze, laureate of the Tibor Junior International Competition, where she played with Gidon Kremer. After obtaining her Artist's Diploma at the Conservatoire de Paris in Stéphanie-Marie Degand's class, she performed Sibelius Concerto at the Cité de la Musique de Paris. Afterwards she was invited to perform the same Concerto alongside the Mozart's 5th on the programme at the Opéra de Tours. She also performed Brahms Concerto at the Salle Gaveau, and the Mozart's 4th at the Opéra de Rouen. Iris has also appeared as soloist at La Seine Musicale with the Ensemble Appassionato and the Royal Palace Orchestra, and with the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra at Kronberg. A much-appreciated chamber musician, she has played with Mihaela Martin, Frans Helmerson, Nobuko Imaï, Claire Désert, François Salque, Philippe Jaroussky, Laurent Naouri, among the others. She also performs in a duo "Arborescence" with brilliant young pianist Antonin Bonnet, and with whom she has won prizes in prestigious chamber music competitions, notably in Vilnius, at the International Stasys Vainiūnas Competition, and Roma. They have already performed in La Roque d'Anthéron, at the Les Folles Journées in Nantes, and in Tokyo in 2024. The duo have just recorded their first album devoted to Fauré, Ravel and Enesco, which was released under the Scala Music label. Iris plays a 1773 Guadagnini, generously loaned by Diane du Saillant.
Никколо Паганини
24 каприси для скрипки соло · соч. 1: № 13
си бемоль мажор
Йоганн Себастьян Бах
Соната для скрипки соло № 2
ля минор
BWV 1003
Альгирдас Мартинайтис
«...Su paukščio giesme...» (С пением птицы)
Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт
Концерт для скрипки с оркестром № 4
ре мажор
KV 218
Джордж Гершвин—Яша Хейфец
«My Man's Gone Now» (Мой муж умер) из оперы «Порги и Бес»
Морис Равель
Концертная рапсодия «Tzigane» (Цыганка)
ре мажор
M. 76
Ян Сибелиус
Концерт для скрипки и оркестра
ре минор
соч. 47
I. Allegro moderato
II. Adagio di molto
III. Allegro ma non tanto