VII tarptautinis Jaschos Heifetzo smuikininkų konkursas

Michael Lewin

Michael Lewin (2003)

| Германия

Берлинская высшая школа музыки имени Ханса Эйслера

Професор | Антье Вайтхаас

Концертмейстер | Indrė Baikštytė

Born in Berlin, he started violin lessons at the age of five. Since 2016, he had been a pre-college student at the Julius Stern Institute, under the guidance of prof. Bernhard Hartog, and also had private lessons with prof. Dora Schwarzberg. In 2023, he started bachelor studies at the Hanns Eisler University School of Music in Berlin with prof. Antje Weithaas, and is a mentee of the Stretton Excellence Mentorship Program, working with Yamen Saadi. He has won 1st prizes at the Jugend musiziert, the International Rudolf Matz String Competition (2018), and the International Moscow Music Competition (2021). Other awards include 2nd prize at the International Arthur Grumiaux Violin Competition (2023), and 1st prize with three special awards at the Szymon Goldberg Competition (2022). Michael performed at venues like the Berlin Philharmonic and the Khmelnytskyi Philharmonic, collaborated with orchestras such as the Chamber Orchestra of the Deutsche Oper Berlin and the LGT Young Soloists. Recently, he debuted at the Chamber Music Hall of Berlin Philharmonic, performing Brahms’ Violin Concerto with Samuel Lee. He participated in masterclasses conducted by renowned musicians like Dora Schwarzberg, Leonidas Kavakos, Chaim Taub, Vadim Gluzman, Ulf Wallin, and took part in the masterclasses of Kronberg Academy. Supported by Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben, Michael received an Andrea Guarneri violin (1664). Additionally, Michael plays on a Giuseppe Rocca violin (1850), which has been generously loaned to him by a member of the Stretton Society.


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    • IV. Allegro
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  • II ТУР

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    • I. Allegro
  • Йоганнес Брамс—Яша Хейфец | «Contemplation» (Созерцание). «5 Lieder» (5 песен), соч. 105 № 1 «Wie Melodien zeiht es mir» (Как мелодии меня тянет) · транскрипция для скрипки и фортепианно
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  • Феликс Мендельсон-Бартольди | Концерт для скрипки с оркестром · ми минор · соч. 64
    • I. Allegro molto appassionato
    • II. Andante - Allegretto non troppo
    • III. Allegro molto vivace
  • Язык