VII tarptautinis Jaschos Heifetzo smuikininkų konkursas

Ji Tong Wu

Ji Tong Wu (2007)

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Средняя музыкальная школа при Шанхайской консерватории музыки

Учитель | Тао Ле

Концертмейстер | Indrė Baikštytė

Jitong Wu started learning to play the violin at the age of 5, and was admitted into the Primary School of the Shanghai Conservatory Of Music at the age of 9. Currently he is continuing his studies under the tutelage of a famous violinist Mr. Tao Le at the High School of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Over the years he had shown outstanding performance and are amongst the best students. He have participated in various competitions and achieved excellent results, for example, in 2018 he participated at the VIII Hong Kong International Violin Competition and won the 1st prize in the children pro group, and in 2019 he entered the Hong Kong International String Open where he won the 1st prize in the children's group. In 2019, he also participated at the first edition of the Chinese-Korean Violin Competition "One Belt And One Road" and won the 1st prize in the South Korean compositions group, and at the Shanghai Spring Classical Solo Concert of Chinese Violin Works of the Last 100 Years he became a winner of the school competition. In 2020, he participated at the Singapore International Violin Competition and won the 1st prize in the junior group, and the 1st prize at the Eurasian Violin Competition in Japan.


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    • II. Adagio di molto
    • III. Allegro ma non tanto
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