International Klaipėda David Geringas Cello Competition 2023 - Group B

Seoyoung Hong

Seoyoung Hong (1979)

| South Korea

Gyeseong Elementary School, South Korea

Teacher | Yun Cheong Boo

Accompanist | Milda Juciūtė

Seoyoung Hong was born in 2012 in Seoul, South Korea, and has been studying cello since the age of 7. Within her first year of learning, she has participated in numerous prestigious competitions locally and also has won first prizes in American Protégé Piano and Strings Competition, the New York Virtuoso International Competition, AMCANADA International competition and etc. As part of her prize for winning local competitions, she was able to participate in the winners’ recital several times and also was given the chance to record her own album. Her first digital album was released in December 2021.


  • Charles Davidoff | Cello Concerto No.1 · B minor · Op. 5
    • I. Allegro moderato
  • Luigi Boccherini | Cello Sonata No. 6 (secondo versione) · A major · G 4
    • II. Allegro moderato
  • Language