


We provide the free registration to the performers database and guarantee the availability of the profiles for the registered users.



Applications for the international competitions


The registered users have the possibility to apply for the international music competitions that are held in Lithuania. After the competition, all the information is stored for the future in case of wish to apply for another competition. While applying for the following competitions, the participant doesn't have to provide the personal data repeatedly.



A future platform for concert and competitions organisers


The purpose of the database – new possibilities for young performers. In the future there will be a special organisers profiles module. The organisers will be able to login and read the performers profiles and, according to their needs, to contact the performers personally.



Security of the information


The registered performers decide which information is visible to all the users. Each new registered user is carefully checked by the administrator of the database.



Possibility to edit


Each registered user is able to freely edit his provided information (except the date of birth and the name): suplement the biography, the lists of the educational institutions and the pofessors, change the profile picture, correct the programme and etc.



Targeted audience


Nowadays most of the information is received from the internet, it is essential every young artist to be reachable in such way. Targeted, only classical performers profiles offering database is an attractive tool for both – the performers and the organisers who are looking for such musicians.
