International Klaipėda David Geringas Cello Competition 2023 - Group B

Tomoki Imamura

Tomoki Imamura (2013)

| Japan

Elementary School of Tsukuba University, Japan

Teacher | Yuran Sen

Accompanist | Morinaga Yasuo

Imamura Tomoki was born in Tokyo. Started playing the cello at the age of 6. In 2022, he won 1st prize at the 16th Beten Music Competition in Japan. He studies with Yuran Sen.


  • Henry Eccles | Cello Sonata · G minor
    • I. Largo
    • II. Allegro con spirito
  • Camille Saint-Saëns | Cello Concerto No. 1 · A minor · Op. 33
    • III. Tempo primo
  • Language