Manos Christofakakis
| Греция
Концертмейстер | Lina Giedraitytė
Manos Christofakakis is a bass from Greece praised for his voice and acting skills. His extensive vocal range allows him to interprete roles extending from basso profondo to bass-baritone. Since June 2021 he has added to his repertory eight operatic roles and has performed in 5 different countries.His recent performance repertory includes Bluebeard (Bluebeard´s Castle), Figaro (Le nozze di Figaro), Don Giovanni and Leporello (Don Giovanni), Voce di Nettuno (Idomeneo), etc. He is engaged in stage directing and light design and is the artistic director of the Lyric Theater of Crete. He graduated Akropolis Conservatory and the Academy of Arts and Culture of Strossmayer University.
Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт
Волшебная флейта
Ария Зарастро «O Isis und Osiris»
Джузеппе Верди
Симон Боканегра
Речитатив и ария Фиеско «A te l'estremo addio...Il lacerato spirito»
Джузеппе Верди
Речитатив и ария Банко «Studia il passo, o mio figlio... Come dal ciel precipita»
Джоаккино Россини
Севильский цирюльник
Ария Базилио «La calunnia è un venticello»
Жорж Бизе
Куплеты Тореодора «Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre»
Джузеппе Верди
Дон Карлос
Ария Филиппа II «Ella giammai m'amo»