III Международный конкурс вокалистов им. Виргилиюса Норейки

Sang Ah Yoon

Sang Ah Yoon (1988)

| Южная Корея


Концертмейстер | Nijolė Baranauskaitė

Born in South Korea, Sang Ah Yoon started at Sunhwa College and Arts High School in Seoul, she continued her studies at Seoul National University (Bachelor), Marseille Conservatory, Yonsei University (Master), and worked with Ms. Bachelor. Mary Saint-Palais, Mrs. Magalida Monte, France. She won several competitions in Asia and Europe. The first prize in the International “Cortes Music Competition” in Spain (2022), the Verdi Prize “Soprano Marcella de Osma” in Italy (2022), beame the finalist in the international singing competition of “Monserrat Caballé” in Spain (2022), the third prize in the international singing competition of Hans Gabor (Austria, Beldere (2013)). She also won numerous contests in South Korea and France including the “Concours d'Oraé en Arles” (1st Prize), the International Lyric Song Contest of Burgundy (2nd Prize), the National Lyric Song Contest of the City of Béziers (2nd Prize) in 2014. When she was 21 years old, she made her Opera House debut in 2010 in the role of Violetta (La Traviata) Then she performed Lauretta (Gianni Schicchi) at the Seoul Opera. In 2018, she played the role of Seohyang (Soul Mate). Subsequently, she performed many other roles with the Korea National Opera: both roles the Sable Fairy and the Dew Fairy (Hetnsel and Gretel), Mimi (La Bohme), Pamina in a new production (The Enchanted Flute). She performed four roles - Olympia, Antonia, Julietta, Stella - in a new production (Hoffmann's tales) also Violetta (La Traon). She performed Beethoven's Symphony No. 9, Brahms' German Requiem, Strauss' Four Lieders. She will perform Jonathan Harvey “Song Offers” as a solo soprano at contemporary TM+ of France in 2023 and Violetta (La Traviata) at Korea National Opera .


  • Джакомо Пуччини | Богема
    • Мими ария «Donde lieta usci»
  • Гюстав Шарпантье | Луиза
    • Ария Луизы «Depuis le jour»
  • II ТУР

  • Антонин Дворжак | Русалка
    • Rusalka's aria "Měsíčku na nebi hlubokém"
  • Жюль Массне | Манон
    • Гавот Манон «Je marche sur tous les chemins... Obéissons quand leur voix appelle»

  • Джакомо Пуччини | Богема
    • Мими ария «Si. Mi chiamano Mimi»
  • Джузеппе Верди | Травиата
    • Ария Виолетты «E strano!... Ah, fors'è lui»
  • Язык