Haewon Lee
| Южная Корея
Концертмейстер | Jonė Punytė
Soprano Lee Haewon graduated from Yewon School, Seoul Arts High School, and Seoul National University, majoring in vocal music. Afterwards, she studied abroad in Germany and is currently enrolled in a Master's course at the Hans Eisler College of Music.
In 2010, she was selected as a scholarship student by the Lee Dae-woong Music Scholarship Foundation, and won the 3rd prize at the JoongAng Music Competition in 2015, the Grand Prize at the Eom Jeong-Haeng National Vocal Music Competition in 2018, the Grand Prize at the Paparotti National Vocal Music Competition in 2018, the Grand Prize at the Daegu Vocal Music Competition in 2018, and the 1st prize at the Gwangju Vocal Music Competition in 2019. From an early age, she was recognized for her skills as a performer by winning numerous awards at major domestic competitions. In 2021, she performed the role of Countess Poleville (Il viaggio a reims) at the Rossini Opera Festival in Italy, in 2022 - the role of Papagena (The Magic Flute) at the Daegu Opera House. In 2023, she won the Grand Prize at the Maria Cebotari Competition.
Гаэтано Доницетти
Линда Ди Шамуни
Ария Линды «Ah! tardai troppo...O luce di quest'anima»
Рихард Штраус
Кавалер Розы
Sophie's aria "Ich bin Euer Liebden"
Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт
Il re Pastore
Aminta's aria "L'amerò, sarò costante"
Отто Николаи
«Виндзорские проказницы» ( Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor)
Фрау Флут ария «Nun eilt herbei»
Джоаккино Россини
Севильский цирюльник
Ария Розины «Una voce poco fa»
Жюль Массне
Гавот Манон «Je marche sur tous les chemins... Obéissons quand leur voix appelle»