Lena Fischer
| Норвегия
Lena Fischer her musical education has received at the Badisches CONservatoire (piano, cello, string quartet, organ) and at the Helmholtz Gymnasium (majoring in music theory, choir, orchestra, chamber orchestra, conducting) in Karlsruhe. In recognition of outstanding achievements in the subject of music, she was awarded with the Werner-Stober prize.
She studied music, specialising in organ performance, with Martha Schuster at the State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart, and has received her bachelor (the organ performance) at the Karlsruhe's University of Music and one in performance of sacred music at the University of Church Music in Heidelberg, where she studied with prof. Carsten Wiebusch. In 2021, she, with her family, has emigrated to Norway to take up a position as cantor there. Since autumn 2022, she has been studying master in organ in Trondheim with Erling With Aasgård. She received masterclasses and private lessons from Bine Bryndorf, Klaus Rothaupt, Éric Lebrun and Daniel Roth, among the others.
Йоганн Себастьян Бах
Трио Соната для органа № 3
ре минор
BWV 527
Микалоюс Константинас Чюрлёнис
до диез минор
VL 86
Николаус Брунс
Большой прелюд
ми минор
Йоганн Себастьян Бах
Прелюд и фуга
ми минор
BWV 548
Зита Бружайте
Микалоюс Константинас Чюрлёнис
ля минор
VL 227
Оливье́ Мессиа́н
«La Nativité du Seigneu» («Рождение Господа»)
IX. «Dieu parmi nous» («Бог среди нас»)
Камиль Сен-Санс
Прелюд и фуга № 3
до мажор
соч. 109
Nadia Boulanger
Три импровизации
фа минор
Микалоюс Константинас Чюрлёнис
си бемоль минор
VL 345
Юлиус Ройбке
Соната на 94-й псалом
до минор