Michael Stemmer
| Германия
Michael Oliver Stemmer has been playing since he was 5 years old. He started from the piano at the music school in Möckmühl. A few years later, at the age of 7, he also started taking saxophone lessons at the same music school. Then, at the age of 11, to all this Michael added the organ...
From the age of 13 he became a student at the Music High School Schloss Belvedere in Weimar, where his main subject was organ, and at the University of Music in Würzburg he was a junior student in prof. Lutz Koppetsch's saxophone class. In Weimar, at first Michael received organ lessons from prof. Michael Kapsner, later – from Claudio Novati, and in the upper school – from prof. Martin Sturm. After that, in the fourth semester, he studied church music with prof. Martin Sturm and prof. Silvius von Kessel at the Weimar University of Music.
Йоганн Себастьян Бах
Трио Соната для органа № 4
ми минор
BWV 528
Микалоюс Константинас Чюрлёнис
до диез минор
VL 86
Николаус Брунс
Большой прелюд
ми минор
Йоганн Себастьян Бах
Прелюд и фуга
ми минор
BWV 548
Микалоюс Константинас Чюрлёнис
ля минор
VL 227
Фаустас Латенас
София Губайдулина
«Свет и тьма» для соло органа
Микалоюс Константинас Чюрлёнис
си бемоль минор
VL 345
Йоганн Себастьян Бах
Concerto d minor
ре минор
BWV 596
Феликс Мендельсон-Бартольди
Соната для органа № 5
ре мажор
соч. 65
Ференц Лист
Прелюд и фуга на тему BACH
S. 260