Cason Kang
| Великобритания
| Carole Presland
Singaporean born British pianist Cason Kang enjoys a busy solo pianist and chamber career which has led him to perform extensively in the UK and abroad. He studied at Chetham’s School of Music with a full scholarship as well as Royal Conservatoire of Scotland where he held the prestigious ABRSM scholarship, before completing his Masters at Guildhall School. He made his London debut in 2011 performing as a soloist at Cadogan Hall with Chethams Symphony Orchestra. This was followed by a solo recital at the Bond Street Chappell in 2013, for the Yamaha Lunchtime Series. Cason has also performed at St James Piccadilly, Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, Edinburgh Fringe, and Manchester’s Monastery. He is prize winner of numerous competitions, such as the Moray Piano Competition, Jock Holden Memorial Prize at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, International Violin and Piano Competition in Singapore, and various prizes at Chetham’s and at Guildhall.
Йоганн Себастьян Бах
Партита № 5
соль мажор
BWV 829
I. Preambulum
II. Allemande
III. Corrente
IV. Sarabande
V. Tempo di Minuetto
VI. Passepied
VII. Gigue
Сергей Прокофьев
Соната для фортепиано № 3
ля минор
соч. 28
Стасис Вайнюнас
"The Lilies of the Valley are in Bloom" (Pakalnutės žydi) from the suite "Meadows of Homeland" (Gimtinės pievos)
соч. 31
Стасис Вайнюнас
ре минор
соч. 30
Клод Дебюсси
«Images» («Образы»), первая серия
L. 110
I. «Reflets dans l'eau» («Отражения в воде»)
, ре бемоль мажор
II. «Hommage à Rameau» («Посвящение Рамо»)
, соль диез минор
III. «Mouvement» («Движение»)
, до мажор
Ференц Лист
«Два концертных этюда»
S. 145
Концертный этюд № 2 «Gnomenreigen» (Хоровод гномов)
, фа диез минор
Фредерик Шопен
Балада № 1
соль минор
соч. 23
Людвиг ван Бетховен
Концерт для фортепиано с оркестром № 2
си бемоль мажор
соч. 19
I. Allegro con brio
II. Adagio
III. Rondo. Molto allegro
Время выступления:
2022 Апр. 01 19:40 - 20:10
Каунасская государственная Филармония (ул. E. Ožeškienės 12, Каунас)