Gabrielė Bekerytė
| Литва
Литовская академия музыки и театра, Вильнюс
Преподаватель | Jurgis Karnavičius
Gabrielė Bekerytė is a pianist currently studying at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre in the class of Prof. Jurgis Karnavičius. She started her musical education at the National Čiurlionis School of Arts and in 2014 she went to study at The Purcell School for Young Musicians in London. She continued her undergraduate studies at the Royal Academy of Music, London in 2016-2020 and in 2021 she started her Master's studies in Lithuania.
Gabrielė has won prizes in competitions and performed in Lithuania, Belgium, Italy, UK, Germany and Greece. She has appeared as a soloist and member of chamber ensembles at venues such as The Wigmore Hall, Milton Court, Duke's Hall in England and Fazioli Hall in Italy. As a member of the Baltic Sea Philharmonic she has also performed in many venues in Europe and abroad, including the Elbphiharmonie in Hamburg, the Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi, Tchaikovsky Hall in Moscow and the DR Koncerthuset in Copenhagen.
Йоганн Себастьян Бах
Французская сюита № 6
ми мажор
BWV 817
I. Аллеманда
II. Куранта
III. Сарабанда
IV. Гавот
V. Polonaise
VI. Bourrée
VI. Трио
VII. Менуэт
VIII. Жига
Стасис Вайнюнас
"The Lilies of the Valley are in Bloom" (Pakalnutės žydi) from the suite "Meadows of Homeland" (Gimtinės pievos)
соч. 31
Сергей Прокофьев
Соната для фортепиано № 2
ре минор
соч. 14
I. Allegro ma non troppo
II. Scherzo. Allegro marcato
III. Andante
IV. Vivace
Фредерик Шопен
Полонез-фантазия ор.61
ля бемоль мажор
соч. 61
Стасис Вайнюнас
Морис Равель
«Miroirs» («Отражения»)
M. 43
III. «Une barque sur l'océan» («Лодка в океане»)
, фа диез минор
IV. «Alborada del gracioso» («Утренняя серенада шута»)
, ре минор
Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт
Концерт для фортепиано с оркестром № 24
до минор
KV 491
I. Allegro
II. Larghetto
III. Allegretto