Bernadeta Januškaitė
| Литва
Национальная школа искусств имени М. К. Чюрлёниса
Учитель эксперт | Инга Гилите
Концертмейстер | Aleksandras Vizbaras
I was born in Šiauliai, I am ten years old, and I started playing the violin from the age of six. I have started studying at the Sauliaus Sondeckis Gymnasium of Arts in Šiauliai, and now I am studying at the National Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis School of Arts, in the third grade. My most significant achievements: recital at the Lithuanian National Philharmonic Society (Vilnius, 2022); 1st prize at the International Viktoras Radovičius Competition for Young String Players (Vilnius, 2022); 1st prize at the Competition "Con motto" (Vilnius, 2022); performance at the V. Baranauskas Jubilee Evening (Šiauliai Drama Theatre, 2022); 1st prize at the VI International Saulius Sondeckis Competition for Strings and Piano (Šiauliai, 2022); masterclass with prof. Zakhar Bron (2022); performance at the World Music Day concert in Vilnius Town Hall (Vilnius, 2022); performance at the Lithuanian National Philharmonic Society during the Art Creators' Awards Ceremony (Vilnius, 2022); performance at the concert "David Geringas. Bach Plus" with the M. K. Čiurlionis School of Arts Students' Symphony Orchestra (Šiauliai, 2023); laureate diploma at the National Balys Dvarionas Competition for Young Violinists (Vilnius, 2024).
Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт—Марюс Казадесус
Концерт для скрипки «Аделаида»
ре мажор
KV Anh. 294a / Anh.C 14.05
Никколо Паганини
Тема с вариациями (Tema con Variazioni)
ля мажор
Джузеппе Тартини
Вариации на тему Корелли (ред. Фрица Крейслера)
Балис Дварионас
Pezzo elegiaco «У озера» (Prie ežerėlio)
Шарль Огюст де Берио
«Fantaisie, ou Scène de ballet» (Фантазия или сцена из балета)
соч. 100
Время выступления:
Апр. 16 10:30 - 10:50
Music Academy of Vytautas Magnus University (V. Čepinskio g. 5, Kaunas)