Yeva Synchyshyna
| Украина
Музыкальная школа имени Захара Брона в Цюрихе
Учительница | Inna Khriplovich
Концертмейстер | Kotryna Kaklauskaitė
Yeva has already won many national and international competitions, amongst which: the 2nd prize at the All-Ukrainian Christmas Miniatures Competition (2018); with the support of the "Vere Music Fund," she entered the Josef Micka Violin Competition in Prague, where she won the 1st prize (2019); 1st prize at the "Young Virtuoso" and "Art of the 21st Century" competitions (2019); the diploma with honors from the Singapore Violin Festival (held online, 2020); 1st prize at the Polyakin International Violin Competition (2020); 1st prize at the First All-Ukrainian Competition for Voung Violinists (2021); 2nd Prize at the III International Competition for Young Violinists and Cellists "Lviv Virtuoso" (2022); 1st prize at the VI International Youth Online Competition "Nouvelles Etoiles" (Paris, 2022); 1st prize at the IV International Competition "Hedwig Prize" for Young Violinists (Poland, 2022); 1st prize at the Josef Micka Violin Competition (Prague, 2023).
Анри Вьётан
6 Morceaux de salon ("Six Salon Pieces), Op. 22: No. 5 "Tarantella"
Джузеппе Тартини
Соната для скрипки оп. 1 № 10 «Didone abbandonata»
соль минор
B. g10
Балис Дварионас
Ноктюрн фа диез минор из цикла «24 пьесы для фортепиано» (транскрипция для скрипки Юргиса Дварионаса)
Макс Брух
Концерт для скрипки с оркестром № 1
соль минор
соч. 26
III. Finale. Allegro energico
Время выступления:
Апр. 16 11:43 - 11:55
Music Academy of Vytautas Magnus University (V. Čepinskio g. 5, Kaunas)