Milda Marija Kiškūnaitė
| Литва
Kaunas Juozas Gruodis Conservatory
Учитель эксперт | Motiejus Bazaras
Milda Marija Kiškūnaitė was born in Lithuania, in 2005, and started playing piano at the age of 5. Her musical journey began at the Juventa Junior Highschool in Šiauliai, with her mother, teacher Aušrina Kiškūnienė. At a young age, Milda Marija began to participate in national and international competitions, and became a laureate of many competitions. Her most important achievements: 4 times she won National, and in 2016 also the International Balys Dvarionas Competition for Young Pianists, and before that, in 2015, she was awarded the primo primo absoluto at the International Competition for Young Musicians "Citta di Barletta" in Italy. In 2021, she won the grand prix at the International Vocal and Piano Competition "Pearls of M. K. Oginski Works". In 2022, she took part in the International Piano Academy "Klaipėda Piano Masters", and in the same year she was awarded 1st prize at the International Youth Music Competition "Premio Scarlatti". Recently, Milda Marija received a scholarship and participated at the International Piano Academy "Feuerwerk" in Germany. Her most recent achievements include 1st prize at the International Music Competition "Music without Borders", and a special prize for a particularly talented participant at the International Liszt Competition for Young Pianists in Weimar. Milda Marija actively performs in concerts, participates in masterclasses and festivals. In 2020 and 2023, she received a "Maximalist" scholarship. Milda Marija Kiškūnaitė is currently studying at Kaunas Juozas Gruodis Conservatoire with her teacher Motiejus Bazaras.
Франц Йозеф Гайдн
Соната для фортепиано № 60
до мажор
Hob. XVI:50
I. Allegro
II. Adagio
III. Allegro molto
Клод Дебюсси
Сюйта «Pour le piano» («Для фортепиано»)
L. 95
I. Прелюд
II. Сарабанда
III. Токата
Юлюс Андреевас
Йоганн Себастьян Бах
ХТК том 1: Прелюд и фуга фа минор
BWV 857
Ференц Лист
Два концертных этюда: Этюд № 1 «Waldesrauschen» («Шум леса»)
ре бемоль мажор
S. 145/1
Балис Дварионас
«24 пьесы для фортепиано»: № 8 Импромту
ми бемоль минор
Балис Дварионас
"24 Piano Pieces": No. 9 Etude
ми мажор
Ференц Лист
«Венгерская рапсодия» № 10
ми мажор
S. 244/10
Эдвард Григ
Концерт для фортепиано и оркестра
ля минор
соч. 16
I. Allegro molto moderato
II. Adagio - attacca
III. Allegro moderato molto e marcato
Время выступления:
Апр. 19 19:00 - 19:35
Литовская Национальная Филармония (Aušros Vartų g. 5)