Zoe Cheng
| Австралия
Сиднейская музыкальная консерватория при Сиднейском университете
Старший лектор | Пол Рикард-Форд
Zoe is a 9-year-old prodigious pianist, making waves in Sydney's vibrant music scene. Zoe's musical odyssey commenced at the age of 3, fueled by an innate passion for the piano. Guided by dr. Paul Rickard-Ford at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, "Rising Star" program, Zoe has diligently honed her skills and expanded her musical horizons. Noteworthy accomplishments include clinching prizes in esteemed competitions, like the Sydney Eisteddford, and gracing the stage at the Showcase of the Sydney International Piano Competition 2023. Zoe's outstanding talent has also earned her the prestigious Kathleen Holmes McCrea Pianoforte scholarship within the "Rising Star" program. Despite her tender age, Zoe's unwavering dedication and love for the piano serve as the driving force, propelling her ever-evolving artistic journey.
Йоганн Себастьян Бах
ХТК том 2: Прелюдия и фуга до минор
BWV 871
Роберт Шуман
Этюды по каприсам Паганини
соч. 3
Фредерик Шопен
Variations in A major "Souvenir de Paganini"
B. 37
Абрам Чейзинс
3 Chinese Pieces, Op. 5: No. 3 "Rush Hour in Hong Kong"
Йоганн Себастьян Бах
ХТК том 1: Прелюдия и фуга Cи-бемоль мажор
BWV 866
Балис Дварионас
«Mažoji siuita» («Маленькая сюита»): № 8 «Танец» (в стиле скудучай)
Франц Шуберт
Три пьесы для фортепиано
D. 946
Сесиль Шаминад
соч. 39
Время выступления:
Апр. 16 09:59 - 10:17
Music Academy of Vytautas Magnus University, 101 aud. (V. Čepinskio g. 5, Kaunas)