Sven Brajković
| Хорватия
Sven Brajković is one of the best young Croatian pianists. He has proved through participation in lots of competitions – he has entered more than 40 international and national competitions and up until now has won overall nineteen 1st prizes. The most achievements are: 3rd prize in the I International Carl Maria von Weber Competition for Young Musicians in Dresden; 2nd prize in the X Croatian Papandopulo Competition for Young Musicians; 1st prizes in the LIII and LVII Croatian National Competition HDGPP; laureate diploma in the X International Competition for Young Pianists of Prague Conservatory, Czech Republic; an absolute winner status in the VII Carinthian Piano Competition in Radlje ob Dravi; 1st prize and the special prize from Croatian Music Youth for the best Croatian performer in the IV International Piano Competition Memorial Jurica Murai in Varaždin; an absolute winner status in the International Piano Competition Banjalučki bijenale.
He had his debut with the Baroque Orchestra Samobor Strings when he was 15 years old and performed J. S. Bachʼs Piano Concerto no. 5. He participated in the respected festivals such as the International Keyboard Institute and Festival in New York, the Holland Music Sessions in Netherlands, International Summer Academy in Austria, Tel Hai Piano masterclass in Israel, where he has also worked with musicians and pedagogues Jerome Rose, Miana Chernyavska, Emanuel Krasovsky, Michel Beroff, Asaf Zohar, Victor Derevianko, Grigory Gruzman, Massimiliano Feratti, and Johannes Meissl. In 2018, he went to Hangzhou in China, as part of the exchange program, and was the first student from Croatia who participated in this exchange program. He has studied there for 4 months in the class of prof. Yang Ding. Sven has got dean`s honours for the 2017/2018 academic year at the Music Academy of Zagreb University where he studied with prof. Srđan Čaldarović. Currently he continues his studies at the Academy of Music of the University of Ljubljana with prof. Aleksandar Serdar.
Франц Йозеф Гайдн
Соната для фортепиано № 62
ми бемоль мажор
Hob. XVI:52
Йоганн Себастьян Бах
ХТК том 1: Прелюдия и фуга Ми-бемоль мажор
BWV 852
Микалоюс Константинас Чюрлёнис
си минор
VL 182a
Микалоюс Константинас Чюрлёнис
си мажор
VL 186
Сергей Рахманинов
«Этюды-картины» («Études-Tableaux»), соч. 39: Этюд № 9 · Allegro moderato. Tempo di marcia
ре мажор
соч. 39/9
Кястутис Биелюкас
Фредерик Шопен
Балада № 1
соль минор
соч. 23
Микалоюс Константинас Чюрлёнис
ре минор
VL 239
Микалоюс Константинас Чюрлёнис
ре бемоль мажор
VL 187
Микалоюс Константинас Чюрлёнис
си бемоль минор
VL 169
Микалоюс Константинас Чюрлёнис
фа диез мажор
VL 184
Микалоюс Константинас Чюрлёнис
ре минор
VL 325
Борис Папандопуло
«Фантастическое скерцо»
соч. 31
Фредерик Шопен
Четыре мазурки
соч. 30
Сергей Прокофьев
Соната для фортепиано № 7
си бемоль мажор
соч. 83
I. Allegro inquieto
II. Andante caloroso
III. Precipitato
Роберт Шуман
Концерт для фортепиано с оркестром
ля минор
соч. 54