Международный Клайпедский конкурс виолончели им. Давида Геринга 2023 - Группа B

Mari Hakobyan

Mari Hakobyan (2009)

| Армения

Международная школа Aмадеус в Вене

Учительница | Loukia Loulaki

Концертмейстер | Margaret Kim

Mari Hakobyan (*2009) was born in Yerevan, Armenia. She started playing the cello at Yerevan Tchaikovsky Music School under Gayane Rafayelyan in 2016. In 2022, Mari was accepted to the Amadeus International School in Vienna. She also holds scholarship from and studies at the integrated Music and Arts Academy in Vienna, takes private lessons with prof. Stefan Kropfitsch and receives online assistance from the Chinese-Australian cellist Li-Wei Qin. She has successfully participated in music competitions and has taken masterclasses from Steven Isserlis, Alexander Ramm, Mikayel Hakhnazaryan, Maria Tchaikovskaya, and others. Mari has soloed with the Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra and Armenian State Symphony Orchestra.


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