Kanon Huang
| Тайвань - Япония
Частная музыкальная школа имени Синь-Канг Хуан
Учитель | Hsin-Kang Huang
Концертмейстер | Nao Huang
Kanon Huang was born in Linz in 2013 into a Taiwanese/Japanese family of musicians. At the age of 2 she first took part in the early musical education of Anton Bruckner Private University. She received her first cello lesson at the age of 3 from her father. At the age of 5 she played her first appearance and at the age of 6 she decided to become a soloist in the future. Kanon won first prizes in numerous competitions. She was also in the show "Stars & Talents" and as an artist she was promoted by “Licht ins Dunkel Gala Concert”. In 2023, at the age 9 she became the youngest scholar of International Academy of Music in Liechtenstein. “She’s a little diamond", Prof. Maria Kliegel.
Джироламо Фрескоба́льди - Гаспар Касадо́
Бела Барток
Румынские народные танцы для виолончели и фортепиано
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«Pe loc» («Топтание на месте»)
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«Poarga Românească» («Румынская полька»)
«Mărunțel» («Быстрый танец»)